Outline Of Classroom Management Plan (Management plan is designed for an elementary school placement. Refer to classroom map when needed. 您所在的位置:网站首页 outline for a reflection paper Outline Of Classroom Management Plan (Management plan is designed for an elementary school placement. Refer to classroom map when needed.

Outline Of Classroom Management Plan (Management plan is designed for an elementary school placement. Refer to classroom map when needed.

2022-03-27 05:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1 Outline Of Classroom Management Plan (Management plan is designed for an elementary school placement. Refer to classroom map when needed.) I. Room Preparation A. Bulletin Boards and Walls There will be several bulletin boards located in the classroom. One board will contain our current topic of study, which will be decorated by both the students and teacher. There will also be a star student bulletin board. This board is to recognize the student s hard work both intellectually and socially. There will be a morning bulletin board, which will contain the lunch menu, a calendar, student duties, attendance cards, and a weather chart. The last bulletin board, depending on the grade of the classroom, might be a word wall. The walls will be decorated to enhance and stimulate the students. Both posters and student work will cover designated areas in the classroom. For example, The Book Nook or reading area will contain reading posters. The emergency information, discipline contract, and procedures will be posted on the wall in front of the classroom. B. Floor Space (refer to the classroom map) Student Desks The student desks will be placed in groups for both management reasons and for the purpose of interacting with peer. I want my students to interact with their peers through hands-on experiments. The desks will also be used for centers. Small group area- Small groups will meet at designated times in The Book Nook or reading area, at the conference table, and on the carpet (instructional) area. Teacher s desk, files and equipment The teacher s desk will be located in the back right hand corner of the classroom. The desk is placed

2 here because I believe that a teacher should guide his/her students. The teacher should also be interacting with their students during instructional periods instead of sitting at his/her desk. The teacher s files will be kept in close proximity of his/her desk along with the equipment. Bookcases The bookcases will act as dividers in order to create a nice comfortable area where the children can read. This area will be called The Book Nook. The bookcases will be filled with many different kinds of books. The students will be allowed to sign the books out of The Book Nook if they would like to borrow a book to read at home. Work areas The students will work at their desks, on the carpet in front of their desks, and at their designated center. Centers In order to conserve space the desks are placed in groups, which will be used for centers. The students will clear their desks off and materials will be left at each cluster of desks. The students will rotate to each cluster of desks. The conference table, carpet area, and book nook may also be used as centers depending on the activity. Plants and animals There will be both plants and animals in my classroom, which will be located on the back shelf of the classroom. The students will be in charge of taking care of these living things in order to develop a sense of responsibility. These items will also create a more home-like, comfortable environment. C. Storage space and supplies Textbooks Textbooks, basal readers, and trade books will be used in the classroom. The students will keep the books we are currently using in their desks. Frequently used instructional materials Materials that are used in the centers will be stored in the back of the classroom on a bookshelf along with educational games. The rest of the materials will be put into the file cabinets. Seasonal material will be displayed at the appropriate times and the rest will be stored in the file cabinet along with special project materials. Instructional materials that are currently being used for a specific unit will be located in the filing system on the teacher s desk. Each subject will have a folder on the teacher s desk. The teacher will have all the materials that will be used for the week in that folder. Teacher supplies Teacher supplies will be located either on or in the desk and in the filing cabinets. Student supplies Students will be asked to purchase a few basic materials at the beginning of the year, which will be kept in the student s desks. Additional materials will be located on the student supply shelf.

3 These materials might include a pencil sharpener, extra pencils, paper, glue, scissors, and tape. D. Other Items Administrative materials These items will be in a locked filing cabinet located right next to the teacher s desk. II. Classroom Procedures A. Room use Teacher s desk and storage areas Students are to ask if they can get an item off the teacher s desk. No students should be behind the teacher s desk unless they are given permission. Students are welcome to use anything on the student supply shelf as long as they put everything back. The filing cabinets are off limits to students. Drinking fountain, sink, and bathroom Any time a student leaves the room they must follow the designated procedures that are stated and taught at the beginning of the year. I will teach the students sign language for the words drinking fountain, sink, and bathroom. When the student feels they need to use these items they must raise their hand and do the appropriate sign. When they see me nod at them, the student is then to sign out and take the hall pass, which is located at the door. Centers, stations, or equipment areas When students are rotating to different centers in the room or using the computers a timer will be set. When the timer goes off the students are to clean up their center and continue to their next rotation. If the noise level gets to loud I will do the sign that will be taught to the students at the beginning of the year. I will raise my hand, the students will raise their hands, and they will put one finger over their lips. By doing this the students will know to stop what they are doing, stop talking, and put their eyes on the teacher. B. Seat-work and teacher lead instruction Student attention during presentations Students will be taught that when I am talking, another teacher, or another student is talking they are to give that person their full attention and respect, by listening and not talking to their friends. If the noise level gets to loud and the students are not paying attention, the teacher will do the sign that was taught at the beginning of the year. Student participation Students will be encouraged to participate within the class instruction, however, they will be taught to raise their hand and wait to be called on before participating. The teacher will use

4 the multiple intelligences to include all learning styles. This inclusion will promote participation. Talk among students Students are not to talk to their peers during instruction, unless it is part of the instruction. If the students get to loud the sign will be given. If the problem persists a new seating arrangement will be given. Obtaining help If a student has a question or needs assistance when doing their work they will be asked to remain in their seat and raise their hand. I will then walk over to their desk to answer the question. Letters will also be sent home to the parents at the beginning of the year explaining the times after school that the teacher is available for extra help. When seatwork has been completed Students will have a homework bin. The bin will have two sections. The top will be for class work and the bottom will be for homework. When the student is finished with an assignment they are to put it in the bin, unless otherwise directed. C. Transitions into and out Beginning the school day Students will enter the classroom and go straight to the morning bulletin board. There will be a card for each student. They will place their card into what they want for lunch. Each student in the class will have a job to do. Those that are in charge of attendance and lunch count will do their job once everyone has entered the room. Once the students have put their card into the appropriate spot they will then go directly to their seats. Here they will begin their morning activity until the announcements. The morning activity will consist of review work and journal writing. After the announcements the students will do the weather, finish the attendance, and the lunch count. The day of instruction will then begin. Leaving the room As discussed earlier students will do the appropriate sign language for their needs. The teacher will then acknowledge the students needs. The student must then sign out on the sheet by the door and take the hall pass. Returning to the room Students must enter the room quietly, sign back in, return the hall pass, and return to their work. Ending the day Students will take out their take home folders that contain their assignments. They will make sure they have all of the assignments written down for that day. Students will then do their end of the day jobs. Once the students are done they will return to their seats and wait for their group to be called. Once they are called they will get their

5 belongings from the coat area. While we wait for dismissal students will play the game what we learned today. Students will stand by their desks and if the ball is thrown to them they must state one thing they learned or liked form that day. D. Procedures during reading or student centered activities Getting the class ready I will do the signal of putting my hand in the air. The students will then stop what they are doing, do the responding sign, stop talking with their friends, and put their eyes on the teacher. If students are still out of control I will start counting. For every minute I count they will loose that amount during recess. Student movement- Students are taught always to walk in the room. If they are to move into a group they are to wait until told by the teacher. Expected behavior in the group Students must listen to others within their group, no put downs, and they must respect each others personal space. Expected behavior of student out of group Students must follow the classroom rules; listen to others, no put downs, and respect each others personal space. E. General Procedures Distributing and collecting materials Students will use the homework bin to hand in papers when they are completed, unless other directions are given. To pass out papers I will designate a group leader for each group of desks. I will hand 5 papers to that leader and they are then responsible for handing out those papers to their group members. A new leader will be picked each week. Interruptions Students should continue to work on the task that is given. If the interruption is during the middle of an instruction time I will give the students a reflection question. They are then to close their eyes and think about what I have asked. They should be ready to share when I return to the group. Cafeteria, playground Students should follow the classroom rules. Fire and disaster drills Students will quickly and quietly line up at the door. The line leader will line up first and the person at the end of the line will be responsible for shutting the door. The students will walk in a single file line out of the building where they will remain quiet. I will then take attendance. Classroom helpers New classroom helpers will be picked each week. Others students, that are in the upper grades, will apply to be classroom helpers just like if they were applying for a job outside of class.

6 Classroom helpers will consist of; lunch, classroom clean-up, attendance, group leaders, trash, black boards, weather, class leader, and line ender. III. Accountability Procedures A. Grading system The grading system I use will follow school policy. I will keep a grade book, which will display the grades the students receive in the class and the effort the student puts forth. Each student will have a section in the grade book for each subject. The name of the activity along with an effort grade and a formal grade will be recorded. Informal assessment will be conducted throughout the year to make sure the students are making progress. B. Feedback and monitoring Feedback will be given to both students and parents throughout the year. The students will receive feedback on the assignments they complete in the class, which should be brought home and shared. I will also use the star bulletin board to give positive feedback. Parent conferences will be held and report cards will be sent home when required by the district. Parents will also receive a monthly newsletter that the students will create. At the beginning of each unit I will send a letter home to the parents explaining the topic of study, the end of the units evaluation, and asking the parents to participate in our unit of study. C. Communicating Assignments Assignments will be displayed on the front board and students will keep track of their assignments in their own personal assignment books. The students will all have a take home folder. This folder is to go home every night. Student work will be displayed on the star bulletin board and many other places in the room. If a student stops doing their work pink slips will be sent home to the parent. The slip will explain what assignment the student did not complete, the consequences, and the parent is to sign the slip and sent it back. If a student is absent they will find their make-up work in their mailbox. Attached to the assignments will have a date that the student must have the work completed by.






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